An Inspiring Gift Attract Your Soulmate!Deborah Gray, (Australia's "Good Witch"), popular "New Idea" columnist, internationally best selling author and reknowned expert on ancient magick and spellcasting, presents the enchanted "Goddess of Love Potion".Shrouded in mystery for thousands of years, its magickal powers of seduction are now finally revealed by Australia's "White Witch", Deborah Gray, who offers it to all those wishing to attract their soulmate, rediscover their true love, and bring passion and desire into their lives.Bring true love
$39.50 per Gift Set
Deborah also includes a red candle and love spell booklet to gently guide you through the magick world of love.
"Believe In Yourself & The Magickal Power Of Love" Deborah Gray |
It's that time of the year again, when love is in the air! Whether you are searching for your soulmate, looking for a lost love or already married to your perfect match, we could all do with a bit of extra romance and passion power and what better time to weave a little love magick than around Valentine's Day!
Well luckily for us the love power of the Valentine festival lasts a lot longer than just one day. In ancient pagan days February 14th started a whole month of celebration in honour of the Goddess of Love and Marriage. Goddess Juno was celebrated in Rome while the ancient Greeks bestowed their blessings onto Goddess Aphrodite, to bring passion and harmony to courting couples and good luck to any singles who are searching for their ideal lovemate.
You can cast this love spell on Valentine's Day or any day after the 14th February for at least one month.
Gather together:
Write down the intended lover's name or if you wish to attract your perfect match, just write the word 'soulmate' on each of the three pieces of paper and then also sprinkle a little of your hair and a few drops of the Goddess Of Love Potion on top of each page. Roll the pieces up one by one and concentrate on attracting your lover towards you as you hold them near your chest and say:
Seal the spell's power by putting the paper balls under your bed before you go to sleep and leave there for seven nights.
Magick and Light.....Deborah Gray.
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